Monday, 23 April 2012


I came across this fun idea on a Dutch Blog. You share one little bit of your home with your readers every week, giving them the chance to have a peek into your home. Something you are proud of or really like. It could just be a small item you bought or have treasured for a long time.  This is my first week and I would like to share our piano with you.  I had just cleaned and dusted it and it just looked so nice I felt it would be lovely to show you.  I don't play the piano, but my husband and my children do. It is just lovely to hear real live music in your house.  And if it looks really nice, that is just a bonus.

You can find out more places to have a peek by clicking on the Home sweet Home button on the side of my blog, or by looking on 

Sunday, 22 April 2012

An amazing meal.

Just look at this beautiful meal!  It was prepared from scratch by my eldest son and my younger daughter together. It was utterly delicious.  There really is nothing more to say about it then that I am full with seriously yummy food!

Saturday, 21 April 2012

April Artisans

My favourite items listed today by the April Artisans. All totally different but unique. Hope you like them too. Just click on the picture and have a look at the various shops as they have many more great goodies.

NOfkantsCurios Tara Winona Imogen's Imagination
Pants and Paper Handmade by Vanda
Dottery Pottery
 Hope to be back tomorrow to show you some ACEOs, been too busy today to do any, but hope tomorrow will be better.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Goosey, goosey, gander!

Yesterday I went to see a man about some geese. I put a big cage in the back of my car and off I went. I haven't had geese before and I wasn't even sure I could handle them. As it turned out they are lovely. They are called Sid and Gussie. Here is a picture of them:
So I thought they made a good theme for a nice Folksy blog, I looked around on Folksy and found all these Goose themed items. Enjoy!

Handprinted by A.Deegan Sally Belinda Designs Sally Ayling 3
The Home Press Bumblebee Cottage Mandarin Duck

Thursday, 12 April 2012

An Art Treasury

After ages and ages I have made a Folksy treasury.  I hope you love these beautiful pieces of art.  They are all ACEOs, miniature pieces of art, measuring 2.5" by3.5".  It is a lovely way to collect original art.  As usual just click on the picture and it will take you straight to the shop.  Enjoy!

NOfkantsCurios JoolsYasities ArtInWax
Stoneflower BetsySparrow LavenderGeorge

Sunday, 8 April 2012

What is going on?

This week I was waiting for a delivery of a new chair. It arrived last wednesday and of course everything had to be inspected and tried out. It was Umi's shift so look what he got up to:

"Hello, hello, hello what is going on here then?"

" What have you got here? I must go and inspect"

"Hmmm, what way is up?"

 "What are you doing on that side?"

"I don't know for sure woman, but I think you have got it the wrong way"

Well Umi obviously didn't think much of the chair and has steadfastly ignored it since but all the others try to be in or on it at all cost, even if it means sharing it with a human.  I think I may need to get another one!

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Look what I bought!

Last week I treated myself to a pair of earrings from Flo Nightingales I love Flo's stuff, it is fresh and different.  I very rarely buy jewellery as I make my own, but sometimes it is nice to get something someone else has done all the creative thinking for.  Anyhow it was a real treat to have a parcel in the post.  Okay okay I know you want to see what I got.  It was beautifully packaged and  I love the earrings.