Friday 15 March 2013

Is it nearly spring yet?

Well after the winter we had it's a fair question, isn't it.  I have to say I have seen very few signs of spring so far.  I just checked the weather forecast and that doesn't look very spring-like either with sleet and snow all over the place.  My goosies are looking at me as if to say "where is all the green grass gone?" After all the terrible wet weather the birds trampled all the grass that was left and without some warming spring sun it is not going to return soon.
It is still weather to sit inside and craft if you ask me.  I have several WIPs. I am knitting a frilly scarf with some fancy yarn I picked up on my travels, I have a tanktop on the go in lovely turquoise and greens  and I am crocheting a bag and I  also have a pile of fabric ready to sew coats for my boys.  So plenty of jobs to do inside.  Maybe I should quit being impatient and just get on with those projects and just spy out the few promising signs of spring.

So is spring getting near where you are?  What are your favourite signs of spring? Look forward to hear from you.

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